business loan

How to get a business loan?


A professional loan, or professional bank loan, is money that the Bank lends you to enable you to  launch your business creation project or your development project.

The bank invests if it is convinced of the quality and viability of your project – the most desirable trait being that you can repay the loan in question.

For example, it will be difficult to obtain a freelance loan if you do not have the necessary funds and guarantees!

The request for a professional loan can be made with your bank, but not only: you can completely turn to other banks or to a credit broker .

This request will require prior preparation: the constitution of the loan file and the preparation of the interview that you will have with your banker.

Good to know  : most of the time, to obtain a business loan, you must have a bank guarantee for your business .

What documents to provide to obtain a business loan?

Your company ‘s Kbis , your identity card, a financial forecast justifying your loan, your proof of address, your bank statements, etc.

Other documents may be requested as guarantees  : each file has its particularities!

Remember to check the list of documents to provide for a professional loan request and, above all, to be rigorous . An incomplete file would only serve to give your banker a bad impression and make you leave with points behind for the interview.

How to prepare for the interview to optimize your chances of obtaining a professional loan?

Let us concentrate here on the case of a person wishing to obtain a loan for the creation of a business .

Present the project

In order to convince your banker to invest in your company, you will first need to present your project in its entirety . Focus on giving him a general presentation, highlighting the strong points.

Good to know : if you choose the status of micro-entrepreneur , you may have difficulty obtaining a loan. You have to present your project even more seriously.

This is where the usefulness of a solid business plan and especially on the financial part appears: this is what will allow you to prove the viability of your project.

Explain the financing plan

The financing plan is where your banker will be waiting for you. Here again, having carefully drawn up a business plan will be of great help to you: do not forget that the business plan is above all a tool for discussion with funders!

In addition to your motivation, you will of course have to justify your request and especially the amount you wish to borrow. It is important to show that other sources of financing are sought, in particular that the associates provide a personal contribution to the project.

Whether it is a short, medium or long term financing plan .

The distribution of funding  : the diversity of sources is important. According to the banks, it will be required that the total amount of the personal contributions of the partners represents from 25 to 30% of the total amount of financing.

Be careful to leave a margin according to your personal assets to deal with hazards (which are not possible, but certain).

Prove your qualities as a project leader

During the interview with your banker, keep in mind that this is an interview and therefore  people count . Of course, the solidity and viability of your project will be essential to obtaining your loan, but not only: you will have to prove that you have the charisma of a leader and the shoulders of a project leader.

As well as your project is tied up, starting a business requires courage and perseverance . There will be obstacles, be sure of that, and before investing, your banker will have to make sure that you are going to hold the road.

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